Position Classification FAQs
To create a position description form you will need to use the University of Alaska's
online position description/recruitment tool at www.myua.alaska.edu. If you have questions
about this process, please contact ÂÌÅ«Ì컨°å HR Talent Acquisition.
Note: L6070 job description template can be found in the CBA on the ÂÌÅ«Ì컨°å Labor Relations webpage.
Consult with your HR Coordinator, create a PD in MyÂÌÅ«Ì컨°å, and route it for approval, with a proposed classification. The ÂÌÅ«Ì컨°å Sr. Compensation Specialist will review the position description to determine if the proposed classification is appropriate.
Note: The same process is used to reclassify a position.
Peer positions perform similar job duties and have similar scope and level of complexity. For faculty positions, peers are based on the same academic rank and discipline as established by CIP-codes.
Both employees and managers may appeal classification decisions. Appeals must be made in writing and received by the ÂÌÅ«Ì컨°å HR Office within 30 calendar days of the effective date of the action appealed, or the notice letter, whichever is later. The appeal panel includes an HR representative, a manager, and a subject matter expert. Panel membership varies depending on the particular specialty area. The panel reviews the position description and meets with the employee and supervisor to determine the most appropriate job family and level for the position.
For more information on job classification appeals, please refer to University Regulations R04.05.035. Job Classification System (F) Appeals.
Employees and/or managers who would like to appeal a position classification may submit it in writing to the Director of ÂÌÅ«Ì컨°å HR Talent Acquisition within 30 calendar days of the effective date of the action being appealed.