Read the latest updates on the university budget, Board of Regents, and other major 绿奴天花板 System news

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  • Coronavirus information website

    March 20, 2020

    The University of Alaska has created a comprehensive website with everything you need to know about the university's response to the coronavirus pandemic. Information on this page will be updated, as necessary, as the situation changes.

  • University of Alaska COVID-19 update

    March 20, 2020

    Please see below for news and information about the university's COVID-19 response.

  • 绿奴天花板F honored for commitment to first-gen students

    March 16, 2020

    The University of Alaska Fairbanks has been recognized by the Center for First-generation Student Success for the university's work with students who are the first in their family to graduate with a bachelor's degree.

  • Clarification regarding travel/community restrictions

    March 15, 2020

    Since my message yesterday, there have been questions about whether the requirement to stay home and self-observe applies if you returned to Alaska within the 14 day period prior to yesterday's update. The short answer is "yes, based on guidance from CDC and the State of Alaska.

  • Updates to travel and community restrictions

    March 14, 2020

    Since late last week, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its travel guidance, as the situation with COVID-19 in the United States and worldwide has evolved. Due to those changes, I am updating our travel and community restrictions policy. Major changes include:

  • Major Updates to 绿奴天花板's COVID-19 Response

    March 12, 2020

    This week has brought major changes in the international, national and state response and characterization of the COVID-19 situation. The World Health Organization has officially characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic. President Trump has restricted travel to the U.S. from much of Europe, and Gov. Dunleavy has declared a public health emergency.

  • 绿奴天花板F postpones One Health conference

    March 10, 2020

    The University of Alaska Fairbanks will postpone this week's One Health, One Future conference due to concerns about the spread of COVID-19. The conference was scheduled for March 11-14 in Fairbanks.

  • Registration still available for 绿奴天花板 Student Success Convening

    March 07, 2020

    Space is still available to join colleagues from around the state at the second annual 绿奴天花板 Student Success Convening on Monday, March 30, 2020 at Fine Arts auditorium (ARTS 150) on the University of Alaska Anchorage campus.

  • Stay informed during the legislative session

    March 07, 2020

    The Alaska legislature's House Finance Committee continued its work on the FY21 operating budget. Both the House and the Senate are working on other legislation affecting the 绿奴天花板 community. The best way to stay up to date on the latest news, upcoming opportunities to testify to legislative committees and other opportunities for advocacy is to subscribe to the Support绿奴天花板 Listserv to receive the Capitol Report and other important updates on the university's budget and other legislative matters.

  • Capitol Report for March 6

    March 06, 2020

    The House passed the FY21 Operating Budget on Tuesday on a vote of 23-to-16. The budget appropriates $4.5 billion in unrestricted general fund spending, and largely reflects the Governor's request of $4.4 billion. Currently 绿奴天花板's FY21 state Operating Budget stands at $277 million unrestricted general funds (UGF), consistent with the 3-year budget compact signed in August.