Read the latest updates on the university budget, Board of Regents, and other major 绿奴天花板 System news
绿奴天花板 System News
Updated 绿奴天花板 leave policies and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
April 02, 2020
Today, the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act goes into effect. This new nationwide legislation will require us to use different approaches to managing employee leave during our COVID-19 response.
Equity and Compliance resources
March 31, 2020
The Equity and Compliance offices wanted to take this opportunity to remind members of our community that maintaining learning and working environments free from discrimination remains a high priority for the university.
Student support initiative addresses emergency financial needs
March 31, 2020
Student services professionals throughout the University of Alaska will be able to quickly address student needs in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to a new student support initiative.
Capitol Report: Legislature Adjourns
March 30, 2020
Legislature Adjourns For Now The Legislature has concluded its business and recessed for the foreseeable future. Today is only the 70th day of the 120-day session, but the COVID-19 crisis has seriously disrupted the process and lawmakers became increasingly concerned with working in close quarters in the State Capitol. House Speaker Bryce Edgmon called this one of the most uncertain periods in the state's history. Legislators and their non-Juneau staff, will be transitioning home over the next several days.
University implementation of new state health mandates
March 29, 2020
Yesterday evening, the governor issued two new public health mandates that will have substantial effects on university operations. The first is Health Mandate 11, which is a statewide "stay home" or "shelter-in-place" order. That order also imposes restrictions on businesses, with exceptions for those that are considered "essential." The university's distance delivery operations, operations in support of that mission, as well as other services and critical infrastructure and operations listed in this attachment to the mandate are considered essential. In general, if you are following university guidelines, you are in compliance with the state health mandate.
Capitol Report for March 24, 2020
March 25, 2020
Yesterday the Senate passed the FY21 Operating and Capital Budget (HB 205) setting the stage for a conference committee between the House and Senate to finalize this year's spending package.
Expedited Review Recommendations and next steps
March 24, 2020
Today, the chancellors provided me with their recommendations for academic program reductions and discontinuation. As you know, the state's reduction to the 绿奴天花板 budget means that we must reduce our costs by $45 million - $25 million for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 and an additional $20 million beginning July 1, 2021. Due to notice and "teach out" requirements, decisions need to be made by the Board of Regents in June 2020. The added costs and reduced revenues caused by the COVID-19 virus make these decisions even more critical and urgent.
March 24, 2020
Tomorrow morning, we will end our extended spring break. When students return to classes, things will look much different than they did less than three short weeks ago. As we restart the spring semester, our university communities, like those throughout our state, now must study, work, live and play differently. These new conditions bring new responsibilities for all of us, and a new way to serve our friends, neighbors and colleagues.
March 24, 2020
On Saturday, the Senate Finance Committee amended its version of HB 205, the FY21 Operating Budget. The House has already passed its version of the budget, and the Senate has been working on modifications since March 4. Earlier this week, the committee introduced initial recommendations in a substitute bill, which incorporated a significant portion of the Governor's FY21 Capital Budget (SB 154).
Expedited Academic Review process enters next phase on March 23
March 21, 2020
On Monday, March 23, each of the three University of Alaska chancellors will submit recommendations to President Jim Johnsen and Vice President of Academics, Students and Research Paul Layer on possible reductions in or discontinuations of academic programs.