Below you will find HR News for university employees including training, benefits,
compensation, payroll, and other news of importance. For news specific to ÂÌÅ«Ì컨°å Benefits
including archived news, please see our Benefits News site.
Human Resources News
Open Enrollment is NOW and goes through May 10
April 15, 2019
Open Enrollment is here! This is your annual opportunity to change your health plan, add or drop dependents, elect a Flexible Spending Account, supplemental life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment insurance (AD&D). All changes you make now will be effective July 1, 2019.
A Message from CHRO McGee: Performance Evaluations
April 08, 2019
I am pleased to announce improvements to the online tool for required annual performance evaluations. The myÂÌÅ«Ì컨°å performance review form has been streamlined and updated with easy to follow instructions.
FY19 Wellness Deadline is April 30th
April 03, 2019
The wellness program deadline is Monday, April 30, 2018.
ÂÌÅ«Ì컨°å General Benefits Information
March 19, 2019
In light of the recent Governor's budget announcement, we understand employees might be feeling stressed due to the uncertainty. I want to remind all employees of their benefits, resources, and current training and development opportunities. We appreciate all of the hard work and dedication of our employees and thank you for your service to students and the community.