Capitol Report for March 23
March 23, 2020
Capitol Report
Senate Finalizes FY21 Omnibus Spending Package
On Saturday, the Senate Finance Committee amended its version of HB 205, the FY21
Operating Budget. The House has already passed its version of the budget, and the
Senate has been working on modifications since March 4. Earlier this week, the committee
introduced initial recommendations in a substitute bill, which incorporated a significant
portion of the Governor鈥檚 FY21 Capital Budget (SB 154). Typically, the operating and
capital budgets move as two separate appropriations, but given the legislature鈥檚 desire
to expedite the budget process, and to conclude their business next week, the Senate
chose to combine everything into HB 205.
The Committee began Saturday evening鈥檚 hearing with a somber from Legislative Finance Director Pat Pitney. The economic fallout from the ongoing
health crisis, driven by steep declines in both oil prices and financial markets,
will have devastating consequences to the State of Alaska鈥檚 finances. The state budget
already relies almost exclusively on two revenue sources - Permanent Fund Earnings
(~60 percent) and oil taxes (~40 percent). Both sources are being seriously diminished
by the ongoing pandemic.
Pitney鈥檚 briefing provided lawmakers with updated projections and context on the state鈥檚
current and future financial health. This is intended to help inform legislators before
they make final decisions on this year鈥檚 budget, any COVID-19 related financial stimulus
package and next year鈥檚 Permanent Fund Dividend. The presentation contained several
startling projections. Without a serious economic recovery in the next 12-18 months,
the state could be forced to make annual draws from the Permanent Fund Earnings Reserve
that are substantially higher than the statutory interest income being earned by the
fund. You can watch the presentation .
Following Pitney鈥檚 presentation, the committee adopted several changes to the budget.
You can watch the amendment process . In two separate amendments, the committee added an additional $96 million in capital
funding for three programs that are perennial priorities for rural Alaska:
- Village Safe Water & Wastewater program ($52 m Fed/$13 m GF)
- Rural Power Upgrades ($13 m Fed/$5 m GF)
- NPR Impact Grants ($13 m GF)
In a third amendment, the committee added $680 mill to fund the FY21 Permanent Fund
Dividend, an amount estimated to be sufficient to pay a $1,000 dividend. An amendment
offered by Senator Bill Wielechowski to add a $1,000 emergency supplemental PFD to
be payable in June failed on a vote of 4-to-3. This action was the first the legislature
has taken to fund the FY21 dividend. The House has yet to address next year鈥檚 dividend.
Governor Dunleavy has proposed a full statutory dividend of ~$3,000 next year, and
this week he proposed an emergency $1,309 PFD as COVID-19 stimulus.
With the addition of dividend and these capital items, it is clear that the Senate
expects this to be the final appropriation bill of this rapidly concluding legislative
session. The FY21 Mental Health Budget (HB 206) has already been signed by the Governor,
and the FY20 supplemental budget (HB 234) is awaiting transmittal.
With the added capital projects, HB 205 now includes 71 percent of the state funded,
and 94 percent of the federally funded capital projects requested by the Governor.
Total capital totaled $1.2 billion, $1.0 billion in federal funds and $200 million in state funding.
The bill includes no capital funds for the university.
University of Alaska Budget Results
For the University of Alaska, the bill sets state funding for next year at $289.5
million unrestricted general funds (UGF), which is $12.5 million below the current
year. The Governor鈥檚 budget, reflected the compact agreement, and proposed a $25 million
reduction in FY21. The House accepted the $25 million reduction. The Senate intends
for the university to use this additional $12.5 mill to modernize, reorganize, and
to continue academic program reviews and efficiencies.
The Senate proposal splits 绿奴天花板鈥檚 funding into - $237 million for 绿奴天花板F, 绿奴天花板A and Statewide; and $52.5 million for 绿奴天花板S and our community
campuses. The bill includes two items of , one calling on the university to limit the use of Reimbursable Service Agreements
(RSA) to reallocate funds between the community campuses, and another requesting an
update to published by the Alaska Center for Energy and Power (ACEP) and the Institute of Social
and Economic Research (ISER) in 2011 on the potential use of small scale nuclear reactors
in Alaska.
Unfortunately, the budget contains no capital funding for 绿奴天花板. The Senate failed to
fund the $2.5 million request from the Board of Regents and supported by the Governor,
for the USArray Initiative at the Alaska Earthquake Center. This is incredibly disappointing
given the strong justification, available federal funding, and the bi-partisan legislative
support this critical infrastructure project has received over the last two sessions.
The bill also fails to provide any funding to address 绿奴天花板鈥檚 significant deferred maintenance
needs and debt service costs, despite strong support in the Capitol for legislative
funding this year.
HB 205 will be on the Senate Floor Monday for final debate and vote, before it returns
to the House for a concurrence vote.
COVID-19 Response
Friday afternoon the House Finance Committee held on COVID-19 impacts to the Alaskan economy. The Senate Finance Committee held a Saturday. John Bittner, executive director of the Alaska Small Business Development
Center at 绿奴天花板A, participated in both hearings sharing local business perspective and
discussing potential policy implications.
Yesterday, the Senate passed , which expands unemployment benefits for Alaskans in response to the coronavirus
pandemic. HB 308 broadens the eligibility from 90 to 120 days, waives waiting periods,
increases the weekly benefit per-dependent to $75 and makes the bill retroactive to
March 1. The House is expected to concur today.
Bills We are Still Pursuing
There are two bills that we are hopeful the legislature will pass before it concludes
business next week. , sponsored by Representative Wool, extends the Technical Vocational Education Program
(TVEP) and , sponsored by Rep LeBon, expands the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank鈥檚 authority to permit
the university to access the authority鈥檚 strong credit ratings. HB 268 is scheduled
for a House floor vote today.
HB 235 was heard in Senate Finance Committee yesterday morning. The committee adopted
a new version of the bill retaining the current recipients and funding percentages.
However the bill only reauthorizes the program for one year, meaning legislators will
be revisiting reauthorization of the TVEP Program next session.