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绿奴天花板 System Office
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Organizational Charts & Biographies
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alaska Southeast
绿奴天花板A Administration
绿奴天花板 Organizational Charts
绿奴天花板A Administration
Director Athletics
Head Coach of Mens Basket Ball
绿奴天花板A Administration
绿奴天花板A Chancellor - Sean Parnell
Associate VC, Dir., Business Enterprise Institute - Christi Bell
Chief Diversity Officer - Jennifer Booz
VC Administrative Services -
Ryan Buchholdt
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Director Financial Services - Brian deZeeuw
Director, Budget -
Amanda Yauney
AVC, Fac. Services - Kim Mahoney
Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services -
Ryan McDaniel
Chief of Police - Jeff Earle
Director, 绿奴天花板A Shared Services - Justin Atteberry
Director of Employee Engagement - Ahmbra Austin
Dir., Equity & Compliance - Sara Childress
Vice Chancellor for Research - Aaron Dotson
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Dir., Commercialization and Compliance - George Kamberov
Manager., Pre-Award Office of Sponsored Programs - Alexandra Hill
Manager., Post-Award Office of Sponsored Programs - Kelsie Sullivan
Manager., Vivarium - Emma Luck
Executive Director for U
niversity Advancement - Tanya Pont
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Dir. Alumni Engagement - Julia Martinez
Marketing & Communications
- Austin Osborne
Dir. Development - Bobi Rinehart
Provost & Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
- Denise Runge
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Dean, College Arts & Sciences -
Jenny McNulty
VP, Academic Affairs - Susan Kalina
Dean, College of Business & Public Policy - John Nofsinger
Dean, Community & Technical College - Raymond Weber
Dean, Graduate School - Mary Jo Finney
Dean, College of Engineering - Kenrick Mock
Executive Director, ANSEP - Matthew Calhoun
Dean, College of Health - Debbie Craig
Interim VP Student Success & Honors - Ray Ball
Dean, Consortium Lib. - Steve Rollins
Interim Vice Provost for Faculty Success & Director of CAFE - Colin McGill
Dean, School of Education - Tonia Dousay
VC Student Services -
Deanne Woodard
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Dean of Students - Benjamin Morton
AVC, Enrollment Services - Lora Volden
Executive Director, Campus Services - David Weaver
Executive Director, Student Engagement & Inclusion - Kim Morton
Executive Director of Alaska Education & Outreach - Michele Yatchmeneff
College Dir., Mat-Su -
Marie Gardner
College Dir., of PWSC - Dennis Humphrey
College Dir., Kodiak College - Jacelyn Keys
College Dir., KPC - Cheryl Siemers
Executive Officer & Dir of Government Relations - Weston Eiler
Executive Assistant - Raegan Kelliher
Director of Athletics -
Ryan Swartwood
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Senior Associate Athletics Director - Dede Allen
Senior Development Officer for Athletics - Travis Parish
Head Ski Coach - Sparky Anderson
Head Coach Gymnastics -
Head Coach Womens Basketball - Ryan McCarthy
Head Coach Volleyball - Stacie Meisner
Head Coach Mens Basketball - Rusty Osborne
Head Coach Ice Hockey - Matt Shasby
Fiscal Manager - Ashley McKibbon
Coordinator, Governance - Grace Gallagher
Head Coach of Mens Basketball - Rusty Osborne
Rusty Osborne
Head Coach of Mens Basket Ball